Iran: Women told they are banned from cycling in Iran and made to sign pledge

Women arrestedin Iran for riding bicycles in public in Marivan

Fundamentalistregime Iran on Tuesday arrested a group of women for riding bicycles in public in the north-western city of Marivan, in Iran’s Kurdistan Provinc
The incident took place on July 26 as a group of women were planning to participate in a sports event to cycle from the city's Stadium Square to the Zaribar Lake.
According to eye-witness accounts, suppressive state security forces (police) approached the women and girls and informed them that based on a new government directive cycling by women in public places is barred and considered “unlawful.”
According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), eye witnesses also reported that several of the women in the group were arrested and taken into custody after objecting to the rules, while others were asked to sign documents promising they would not repeat the cycling violation.
And atother news from Iran : fundamentalist regime in Iran arrested 150 boys and girls for attending a mixed-gender birthday party near the capital Tehran, the regime’s local police commander said on Monday.
I believe:
 Due to the nature of this regime misogyny the situation is getting better every day

Suppressionof women has been a tenet of the mullahs' regime from its outset. This latest restrictive measure shows that misogyny is being stepped up under Hassan Rouhani’s administration. With each passing day the mullahs’ regime is further infringing on the basic rights of women which they had fought hard to obtain.
Such gender discrimination and the overall increase in brutal human rights violations speaks well of the reality that Hassan Rouhani is no different from the other mullahs and the hopes for an improvement of women's rights in Iran which some had advocated at the start of his tenure as President are a mirage.
MaryamRajavi says: Women shall have the equal right to enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms and believe in complete gender equality in political, social and economic arenas.
