IRAN: Massive student Protests at universities and retired Teachers in Iran

Iran: teachers and Students hold protests across Iran

Iranian university students have been protesting outside the Sharif University of Technology for three days straight, as of September, 27.
Security agents were deployed by the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) to disperse the growing crowd of demonstrators but the students resisted.

Sharif University students declared in a statement that not only Rouhani’s promises to students and about university has not been fulfilled after three years, but continually additional unjust expenses and limiting regulations have been imposed on them. 

While the Education Ministrystaff and retired personnel are living in difficult circumstances, the country's wealth and revenues are spent on anti-patriotic nuclear, military, security, export of terrorism  (Iraq, Syria Yemen and Lebanon) and suppressive projects or are plundered by the regime's officials and deposited in their foreign bank accounts.

So long as the inhuman and anti-Iranian religious dictatorship rules in Iran, poverty, unemployment, and inflation are aggravated day by day. The Iranian Resistance expresses its solidarity with the protesters, and calls on Iran's nation and youths in particular to support them.
