Hold the Iranian Regime Accountable for Its Atrocities
October 10th will mark the 14th World Day
Against Death Penalty, where people around the world will rally to support the
abolition of executions. While we have reason to celebrate progress in seeing
more countries abolish the death penalty in 2015, with 169 of the 193 member states of the UN having been execution-free
in the past year, we also need to raise awareness and alarm in regions and
countries where the state of human rights and the application of capital
punishment has continued to deteriorate.
of the countries of concern is Iran, where the ruling regime has executedmore than 1,000 people in the past year. Less than a week
ago, the Iranian regime sent 27 people to the gallows in the span of three days, more than
the yearly figures of most countries that still exercise capital punishment.
Elsewhere, a young woman is waiting to join the long list of juvenile offenders executed by the Iranian regime. And a lot more
is happening discreetly.
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