Iran: appeasing the Ayatollahs and suppressing Democracy: U.S policy and the Iranian opposition

Media Storm Resurrects Discredited Claims about Iranian Resistance Group 

The fundamentalist regime is the only democratic alternative
For this reason: 
Demonize the MEK
By lobbyists mullahs' regime in Iran.
They are mercenaries of the mullahs' regime in the US
the regime have failed to achieve their most important objectives in signing the nuclear agreement
Everyone recalls that the six world powers, especially the United States, gave in to the regime's demands and granted them numerous concessions in return for just a single retreat.
Under such circumstances, the Iranian regime is trying to preserve and protect the West's defeated policy of appeasement, and the blocking of the road to change in Iran. It is not without reason that the ruling mullahs are so frightened by the approaching end of what they describe as a "golden era."
The main problem is the very existence of a regime that persistently generates such misery, fraud and devastation.
This is what our people want: Such circumstances of despotism, poverty and regression must be replaced by freedom, happiness and progress.
The US Department of State did not add the MEK to its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) until 1997.
Two years later, in 1999, the United States went a step further by alleging that the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
To welcome the mullahs terrorist and criminal
Because he thought the US, Appeasing the clerical regime in Iran, of their terrorist goals is short 
