Iran regime even more oppressive since nuclear deal dissidents say

Iran regime even more oppressive since nuclear deal 

dissidents say

For 5 years in the prisons of the mullahs' regime in Iran
She secretly came out from Iran.
Sister (Mahdieh) and brother (Akbar) were martyred him in Ashraf City
The mullahs' regime in Iran.
MEK main enemy, he will know
That is why they are against the evil of
The billions of dollars in cash the U.S, shipped to Iran, plus the West’s release of frozen Iranian bank assets, already have been diverted to Iran’s expansionist armies in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.
Every negotiation with the regime, it means additional gallows in Iran
In the summer of 1988, the mullahs' regime in Iran, Khomeini leave.
30,000 political prisoners to be executed.
The majority of the organization who

The audio file disclosure Ayatollah Montazeri dimensions of this crime Became 

At the moment:
Members of the Death Commission are now among the highest government and judiciary office holders in Iran. Mostafa Pour Mohammadi is Rouhani's Minister of Justice and Ibrahim Ra'isi and Hossein-Ali Nayyeri are high ranking officials in the Iranian regime's Judiciary.
