The Kuwaiti Newspaper, Al-Qabas reported that the court's final verdict on Al-Abduli spy group indicates that the members of this group have been trained in
Lebanon and were holding sessions at the Iranian Embassy in Kuwait in coordination with one of Iran's diplomats and a member of the Revolutionary Guard.
On Sunday, June 23, 2017, Al-Qabas released a report entitled " the meetings at the Iranian Embassy and training in Lebanon", referred to the details of the court's final verdict on Al-Abduli group indicating that the members of this group hold sessions at the Iranian Embassy in Kuwait.
Kuwait's Court of Cassation announced the verdict, "It was proved for the court with solid grounds that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that operates for the interests of the Islamic Republic, has accepted the values of the Iranian Revolution and sought to promote these values in Kuwait and other Islamic countries; the values that seek to destroy the primary systems of Kuwait and other Islamic countries and to disrupt the social and economic systems of the countries by employing illegal methods such as attacking the government facilities, bombing, force and terrorism against the government and citizens."
The Kuwaiti Court of Cassation announced that it has received information through testimonies from a Kuwaiti security force about the Hezbollah relations, the hijacking of the Kuwaiti airplane 422, the attempts to assassinate the former King of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed, and forming espionage groups. The security forces also released information concerning the measures of Hezbollah and the Iranian intelligence bodies to form espionage groups, to facilitate the transfer of weapons and explosives through Iran. The members of this group were obliged to snoop about the targets in Kuwait. The eighth defendant passed military and urban plans that contained the coordinates of wells and oilfields.
On Wednesday, July 19, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior released images of al-Qaeda members and announced the judgments by default for those fugitives.
